Monday 18 November 2019

So 'now' therefore, if i am to properly accept such a challenge in defence of christianity in alignment unto luke 12: 12, i must then cover the following information in dv-detail>.

Entirely veridically virtuously in full: Respectfully:
Specifically through c1q96 or c3q94 of the vaticinal statements of a prognostic seer humans address as nostradamus i do 'that factually.
respectfully in full.

Wherein, just for the sake of appropriate record, to begin regarding such a matter i state this: do clerics of other religions, for example' such as islam, know, first of all that' to disrespect the divinity of jesus christ is to disrespect the christian God?


whereby, humans of other religions do not wish to callously disrespect christianity's God, do they? For practically every religions teachings teach humanity not to disrespect God.
So, why therefore do people of other religions callously disrespect the teachings of christianity regarding the divinity of jesus if that is disrespectful to the Christian God as well as Holy ghost of christianity likewise.

iF EVERY RELIGIONS TEACHINGS TEACH humans not to disrespect a fellow deity of heaven regarding statutes or teachings which work, generally speaking' in unison to christian thought perceptions whole.
not to mention a further clear fact that 'if a human does that specifically' christianity likewise clearly teaches that 'such a human has the spirit of anti christ upon such an individual human being if a human denies christ jesus of nazareth divinity.

to which end let all readers of this website note this truth; which is; 'if facts matter' logic warrants that created beings hearken appropriately to the truth of such words presently addressed.
as, by way of hebrews 12: 29 who is a human to dish or disrespect the divinity of jesus christ when so many facts in this life clearly decree that the religion of christianity is soundly based in logic as well as facts above all religions on earth. Also- many numerous facts of this life also clearly decree that jesus christ is the only begotten son of God.
The facts of this existence clearly decree that that statement is true. Likewise: irrefutably, if all facts are relevent to such a concept addressed then that forwarded statement is entirely true. So, people of earth today ask yourselves this entirely rational question under those addressed circumstances. Which is: why would that be true if another being or so called deity created the Christian God?

Let humans on earth answer that question.
I quess other people of other religions apart from christianity are going to state that another so called deity or being or beings, male or female or thing or things or both or whatever- created the three christian deities in alignment unto genesis 1; 26 and then set up a bunch of facts to coincide absolutely perfectly in complete perfect synchronicity in this existence to pretentiously callously deceive mankind into believing that christianity is sound and true when it really is a phoney religion, instead, right?
by way of the facts of other religions that is clearly what teachers as well as 'teachings' of other religions decree.
by which factor such so called deities or so called true creators of mankind, whether of other religions or not- SINFULLY-deliberately sinfully deceive humanity IN THIS LIFE,.
In regards unto 'for example' the perfect testaments of christianity which clearly explain the mysteries unto all created concepts to this existence, in full.
no other religion comes any where close to doing that neither in perfection, for humanity in this existence. - gee.
i wonder why?

Yet, humans would 'still' rather honor other religions apart from christianity. regarding religions which also teach their followers to blow up human enfants for example. Such as islam. So? also
think people, about this statement 'too. Which is:. If a religion on earth is the true religion of all universes then one would OBVIOUSLY think-or know- that such a true religion would obviously be able to explain at least a few mysteries of creation appropriately for mankind for example.
yet other religions apart from christianity on earth do absolutely very little in a decent noble sense for humans in that regard basically at all.
On a proper concensus:

Regarding teachings for humanity. albeit christianity appropriates proper logic to mankind. In fact:-
by ensample to that statement addressed so, for example- has it ever occurred even once sensibly to beings on earth at any interval in this existence that it is clearly strange why not one other so called religion on earth apart from christianity can appropriately back up it's words 'accurately as well as righteously' with prophesy's appropriately perfectly coinciding or connecting to historical recorded human facts in this existence coming to pass-- as well as occurring in synchronicity perfectly time and time again in alignment to or with christian addressed prophesies in this existence?
time and time and time again?

On numerous issues clearly this statement is true.
As this websites sister website entitled verifies in appropriate references with christian addressed prophesies coinciding with human historical facts coming to pass in synchronicity in this existence with the time lines of christian fatidical dates- time as well as time as well as time as well as time again?
No other so called religion on earth comes anywhere close to such a statement in a noble spiritual physical or psychological setting perfectly- regarding vaticinal functions in logic. Perceive 2nd peter 1; 19-21. in alignment unto a note addressed in ezekiel 33; 31-33. Note jeremiah 28; 9.
See revelation 19; 11 regarding such a statement addressed by ensample likewise in full.
Also, by ensample to such a query so- here 'too' is another decent logical enquiry related unto such a matter addressed likewise folks who read this website presently 'in fact:
In full:

:. Which states thus;
Why have beings on earth ever never asked themselves this righteous question: regarding veracity ultimately specifically in fact:
Which states thus: = Why is it that not one religion on earth today apart from christianity warrants to humanity an appropriate answer as to why the concept of hermaphrodites exist throughout humanity in this existence?
Christianity appropriately gives humanity a perfectly sensible answer as to why the concept of hermaphrodites exist in this existence of mankind.
Yet no other religion on earth in this existence- seems to have a virtuous clue at all in fact, by way of their teachings in any way whatsoever as to why the concept of hermaphroditism exists in this existence.
Which concept, which evaluated correctly, indicates that that is basically elementary or dare i say 'pathetic on the part of any so called religion which professes to be divine. OR WHICH PROFESSES TO possess a concept of divinity at all.
regarding the true genitor of all beings or substances for example, shall u say? Or, shall i say, in full.
Ultimately: for obviously-
You would think that a true religion whose members boast of sacred concepts in creation' at least- would be able to at least give a proper explanation to that concept or subject addressed.
Yet only christianity specifically offers mankind a decent rational explanation to the concept of hermaphroditism in this existence. as this website writer as well as a human 16th century harbinger humans address as nostradamus BOTH PROVE . regarding two individuals who are both christian based in jewish thought and mind. see romans 3; 2 LIKEWISE regarding such a statement addressed..


If your religion is the true religion of the true creator God of all beings or substances 'for example' in any existence anywhere in all ultimate factuality, or reality literally speaking- then obviously wouldn't your religion know such matters addressed appropriately/?
No other so called religion in all factuality on any count or under any circumstance or count of logic comes anywhere close to the holiness of the religion addressed as christianity regarding that function prescribed presently upon this website.
. in this life.
on the preceding related function:

or on numerous functions related to spiritual logic which relate unto this life in fact.
fully. yes. in full. in logic's fullness.
yet, for the sake of appropriate record- humans, as well as all beings in fact- on earth, though they know this to be true, by way of a christian passage of scripture addressed as james 4: 15-- regardless' still mock christianity's teachings 'specifically located in psalm 1; 1-6, 2nd corinthians 6; 14-17 as well as 2nd john 1; 10-11.
or luke 4: 4 wholly basically. in full.
though humans are fully aware of the fact that the functions of this existence clearly assert entirely that christianity is sound.
in alignment unto exodus 20; 3-5 or 2nd corinthians 6; 14-17.
Or in alignment unto all of christianity's teachings for that matter addressed in fact in truth.
every religion on earth mocks the divinity of christianity regarding jesus christ being the son of God. though they know this; o yes.-
especially a religion addressed as islam in fact... Islam does this. callously..
Which is a major sin, according to christianity's statutes.
in fact. not to mention unforgivably disrespectful towards christianity.
. as the first epistle of john 4; verse 3 or acts 16; 31 also devise spiritually through hebrews 6; 4-6..
psychologically as well as terrestrially. For no righteous reason islam does this:

islam does 'for no righteous purpose unneccacarily- enjoy mocking the divinity of the christian God,. For no righteous reason whatsoever at all.
It's clerics as well as founders as well as 'so called holy book thoroughly mock christianity's divinity . in fact.

moslems also clearly state that jesus christ is wrong or crazy or simply deranged or or basically nutso for claiming to be the only begotten son of God in alignment unto john 5: 18.

or in alignment unto matthew 21; 37 of the scriptures of christianity.

right. exactly. exactly..
yet, at the exact same interval moslems still assert that jesus christ was a truthful prophet. despite the preceding statemwent addressed. 'Just relax' states the islamic cleric unto other beings on earth and accept the lies of islam. "Good, good' says the moslem. in alignment unto isiah 5: 20. "GOOD.. yes.
now, think about that statement folks.
Think about that statement addressed.
o yes. talk about idiocy or stupidity in full.
that could make a persons head spin backwards.
on the 'one hand' moslems assert that jesus christ sinfully lies in claiming that He is the only begotten son of God.
As all of human history asserts on every aspect of reason.

as christianity's teachings warrant by way of truthful facts.

yes truthful facts.
yet, at the same crazed interval , simultaneously moslems with forked tonques as well as all of islams teachings as well as teachers in fact- assert likewise that jesus christ truthfully is a veridical prophet of islam and a veridical prophet of mankind in this existence.

so>? that is perfidiously mendaciously nefariously deceptive on the part of islam now isn't it now?
While arabian people, or moslem confessed individual people from any nation in fact' blow human enfants to pieces for the sake of various spiritually, psychologically as well as molecularly crazed teachings of islam.
Then, afterwards, such human professed moslems who survive such explosions - calm right down, and intermingle with other humans in disobedience to the instructions addressed to humanity in 2nd corinthians 6: 14-17 or psalm 1: 1-6.
until it becomes veraciously time for such moslems to 'once more' go spiritually crazy in lunacy regarding the preceding function addressed. If they survive they'll once again return to a pretentious normal human life style 'while idiotically demanding' by way of a christian passage of scripture addressed as 2nd john 1: 10-11'' that other beings imbecilically 'respect' their stance in such corruption', claiming, obviously falsely that their religion is a good religion-the true religion, in fact, in alignment unto the first epistle of john 4: 3 or in alignment unto genesis 16: 12.

which reflects galatians 4: 22-31, galatian's 3: 16, titus 1: 15-16 or 1st timothy 1: 18-20. 

regarding what moslems address as the people of the holy book. christians and jews. Yes, they say. oooooooooooo yes.
Okay? on the one hand moslems as well as teachers of other religions on earth apart from christianity- oppose what christianity's jewish teachings state, as jesus christ was clearly of jewish heritage in this life by way of every fact addressed to such a subject for example, albeit 'then' confusingly 'deceptively on the other hand moslems also state that such a book is holy basically. in this life. see matthew 15: 24. note romans 9: 13. perceive romans 2: 9-10.

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